Change The Rules To Your Market, Your Great Opportunity

Change The Rules To Your Market, Your Great Opportunity

Here’s an interesting article on doctors that are adding house calls as a service of their practice. It’s interesting not because house calls once were, then weren’t, and now appear to be again – it’s interesting because it serves as a reminder that things that seemingly always have been aren’t necessarily so. We need to adapt to changes in our market, in this case an aging market, and seek new ways to deliver our products and services.

Opportunities surround us, yet we often don’t see them because we’re blinded by false beliefs of what is or always has been. The challenge for each of us is to look at our offering as think what if…we do it onsite, provide it remotely, add it with something else, package it alone, make it bigger, make it smaller, change raw materials, print instead of electronic, etc. And that is also our opportunity.

Erase all beliefs of what is and replace them with what can be.

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