It’s The Little Things – First Impressions Count In Business

It’s the little things you do that matter the most, especially when added together. More accurate, it’s the little things you don’t do that count most – cluttered office, unkempt lobby, faded exterior, dilapidated facilities, outdated signage, inaccurate marcom, old information on a website, etc.

First impressions are important. Lasting impressions are more important. And attention to detail is critical to setting favorable expectations.

Seth Godin offers a great example of what I’m talking about. Seth points out lack of detail on a billboard menu…it’s just a billboard screaming about a lack of attention to detail.

Remember, in a world with a lot of competition and consumer choices, it’s the little things we do and don’t do that matter the most. And they’re often things that cost little to no money to do the right way. You just have to keep your eyes open and act as soon as you discover a weakness.

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