Memory Fitness – Exercising Your Brain

I had the opportunity to hear kathy Kilpatrick of Memory Fitness Matters speak last week. She offered a number of great suggestions for keeping our mind fit and our memory sharp.

She commented that when the Baby Boomers were in their 20s they didn’t have problems with memory and yet 20-somethings today and even younger frequently lament their ability to keep everything in their brain that they need to. Why is that? Were our brains bigger?


Kathy shared that there are hundreds of reasons for memory loss – not all of which can be related to old age or dementia; we just have so much on our plates – so many balls in the air – that it’s nearly impossible to keep everything straight without assistance.

Here are just a few of the tips she shared for keeping your brain fit:

1. Attitude – if you just succumb and say – oh that was a “senior moment” you are giving in but if you recognize that you have a problem remembering – take charge and DO something about it.

2. Hold a thought in your brain for 5-10 seconds. Thoughts that are pondered over are more likely to be remembered. If you think “oh, I need to pick up milk on my way home” then say it over in your head, picture a cow in your mind, or even better, use your cell phone to call and leave yourself a reminder message.

3. Be organized – that’s a whole series of posts in itself, but the more organized you are, the more likely you’ll be to remember what you need to. By the way – multi-tasking – a bad thing – I wrote about this last week and now I’ve heard in three different places that although we all multi-task – it is NOT a good use of our time, nor is it productive.

4. Limit sugar from your diet, drink plenty of water and exercise – healthy habits help your brain.

5. Get enough sleep – too frequently we are trying to succeed on 4 or 5 hours of sleep – that may work for a day or two but prolonged lack of sleep will keep you from working at top form.

6. Meditate – that could mean yoga or it could mean a simple task like mowing the lawn that will stop the continuing tape in your brain from playing – clear your mind.

7. Humor – lighten up – breathe and take time to linger over life. You’ll enjoy yourself more and be able to remember more!

For more information, check out Kathy’s website and consider tuning in for one of her podcasts.

What ways do you help yourself remember?

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