Two Simple Tips To Getting More Out Of Your Business Card

Business card may arguable be the single best marketing tool available to all businesses and professions. They’re painfully easy to have with you wherever you go and just as easy to distribute. Yet they’re probably the most underutilized of all marketing communications and advertising.

Business cards are most often a missed opportunity.

Grab a stack of business cards, thumb through them and what do you see? A bland mix of strikingly similar mish-mashlinks of name, rank, and serial number. Forgettable as soon as they’re received.

Better than merely giving your contact information, put your greatest customer benefit on your card – prominently displayed on the front. What this does is make your card more than a printed contact form, it makes it an advertisement and message to the recipient as to what you can do for them. On the back of your card, put a customer testimonial. A brief statement of the success you’ve had goes a long way to remembering you and your offer.

Think of the potential and possibilities of distributing your business card to countless people in your market. Every card you give is a mini brochure of what you do for your customer and a statement of your success.

These two things – adding a benefit statement on the front and a testimonial on the back – raises your business card to the level of marketing machine it should be and betters your chance of standing out from the crowd and being remembered by a prospect well after your card is filed away.

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